Monthly Archives: December 2013

We Survived 2013

In 2013 we made it through another Alabama football championship (and a trip for Phillip to Miami), getting settled in to our new house, enjoying more of everything Charleston has to offer, 50+ new recipes, Phillip’s cardiology ski trip, another … Continue reading

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Christmas 2013

We were excited to have Phillip’s family join us for Christmas in Charleston this year.  Everyone had a good visit.  We started on the 23rd with a nice dinner out at 82 Queen, followed by dessert at Kaminsky’s.  On Christmas … Continue reading

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Insanely Delicious Turtle Cookies

The December Sweet as Pie menu was filled with sweet treats, perfect for all of the holiday parties throughout the month.  I made these Insanely Delicious Turtle Cookies for a cookie swap with my Junior League group and am happy … Continue reading

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And the gender is….

Drumroll….ta-da! Yeah, we couldn’t really tell from that either.  But…Here are some more shots from the ultrasound – he was moving around quite a bit so our technician had to kind of chase him! Everything looked great at our 20-week … Continue reading

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