An Easter Meal – Scalloped Potatoes and Ham

When I was growing up, Easter dinner always included ham and twice-baked potatoes, so when this recipe for Scalloped Potatoes and Ham popped up on the April Sweet as Pie list, I knew it was destined for our Easter table.  Although we didn’t get to spend Easter Sunday with our families this year, we did get to spend it with some of our Charleston family.  Thanks to the Khalils for inviting us over for a delicious meal!  Here’s how the potatoes came together:

First, I sauteed diced onion in butter until slightly softened and then stirred in some diced ham.JBD_9199 JBD_9200 JBD_9204Meanwhile, I sliced the potatoes very thinly with my slicer (definitely the easier and more uniform way to go).JBD_9207I mixed heavy cream (slightly warmed) with flour and pepper to make the cream sauce.  Then, I layered the potatoes, onion and ham mixture, cheddar and monterey jack cheeses, and cream sauce in a casserole dish.  I had enough for three layers of each. JBD_9209 JBD_9214This baked covered for about 40 minutes and then uncovered for another 20 minutes, although it could have used about 10 more minutes in the oven (but we were already running late so I had to go ahead and pull it out of the oven to pack up).

This one was easy enough for me to make while Carter napped and satisfied my Easter ham and potatoes requirement.  I really liked this and will definitely make it again.  The leftovers were good too!  The only thing I will change next time is to make sure to allow for a little extra baking time so that all of the potatoes get cooked through and I will probably throw in some thyme and/or rosemary for an extra layer of flavor.  Otherwise, this one was a hit!

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