PW Breakfast Burritos

Just under the wire!  For the last Sweet as Pie recipe for March, I whipped up some breakfast burritos.  It actually worked out perfectly since Phillip loves breakfast and this is his official birthday weekend (his actual birthday is tomorrow).  Of course, when I went to the grocery store last Sunday I forgot to get all of the things for the burritos so I made a quick run to Publix this morning.  Let me just say for the record that I LOVE Publix.  And I especially love it before 8:00 a.m. when there are few people and there are Publix employees stocking shelves in every aisle who always say good morning.  Anyway, back to breakfast.  The recipe makes what seems like, appropriately, a cowboy-size number of servings, so we cut it in half.  5 eggs > 10 eggs, in my book.  I started with some hot sausage (Phillip’s preference):

The recipe called for PW’s own breakfast potatoes, but I cheated and used frozen southern-style hashbrowns. 

Then, the aforementioned eggs, as well as some seasonings and cheese.  We used pepper jack for a little something extra.

Another cheat - I used dried chives.

I actually had to turn up the heat on this because the eggs just weren't cooking. And it didn't end up looking anything like PW's pictures in her cookbook. Oh well.

The finished product:

We served them with some salsa for dipping – a must for these burritos.These were really pretty simple to make and I think would be a great option for a traveling or vacationing weekend.  Phillip is excited to see if they reheat well since despite halving the recipe, it still made 8 burritos.  Next time I’ll adjust the seasonings, maybe add some onions and mushrooms for me, and maybe change the cooking method a bit so the eggs scramble a bit better.  And, I might try to do separate shredded hashbrowns so there’s a little crispness in the burrito.  The possibilities are nearly endless!  Happy birthday breakfast, Phillip!

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