Country Quiche

I can’t say that I was too excited to see quiche back on the Sweet as Pie menu.  As some of you may recall, I’m not a fan of egg pie.  But, Phillip likes it and I’m not in the habit of skipping recipes, so I gave it a go.  Hands down, the most edible quiche I’ve ever had.  Some of the other club members questioned the number of eggs (only 6) used in this recipe that makes two pie-sized quiches, but I think that is what made it work for me.  Not too eggy!  Also, there’s a lot of cheese.  Here’s how it came together:

First, I browned a package of sausage with sage.  JBD_7756

Meanwhile, I halved 20 grape tomatoes and sprinkled them with salt, and whisked the six eggs with some baking powder.JBD_7752 JBD_7757

Finally, I mixed the sausage, tomatoes, eggs, and cheese together with plenty of pepper and some garlic salt (the magic ingredient).  The filling went into two unbaked pie shells.JBD_7763

After about 30 minutes at 350 degrees:JBD_7769 JBD_7773

This was super easy, inexpensive, and tasty.  I’d make it again, and probably will the next time we have some weekend guests.  I might even experiment with the ingredients – use a hot sausage, add some onion, switch to gueyere or another type of cheese, etc. – but I think I’ll keep the egg to non-egg ratio exactly the same.

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