For this month’s dessert selection, Sweet as Pie offered a Hot Fudge Pie. This was a nice chocolate dessert that we enjoyed with frozen yogurt all week. It was easy enough to pull together, and was more like actual baking than some other simple chocolate desserts we’ve tried (Phillip doesn’t really care about this aspect, but sometimes I prefer the challenge of accurate measurements over can-dumping). Here’s how it came together:
First I melted the chocolate and some butter together in the microwave.
While that cooled a bit, I mixed sugar into beaten eggs.
Then I stirred in the chocolate butter, vanilla, and milk.
Finally, I added the flour and poured the batter into a pie plate.
I baked it for about 25 minutes and then served it warm with vanilla frozen yogurt.
Mine must have baked a little too long because it was not nearly as fudge-y as I thought it would be. It was still pretty yummy and by no means a miss. For my money though, I think I’ll stick to my usual Chocolate Cobbler recipe – I like the half cake, half chocolately, syrupy goodness that results more than the brownie-like texture this recipe gave me.
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