Well, despite my best efforts, it’s finally here. The beginning of the end…of my 20s. That’s right, I “celebrated” my 29th birthday on the 10th. Phillip and I both had to work that Monday, so I declared it present time around 6:00 that morning (before Phillip had to leave for work). I’d received a few cards and a couple of gifts in the mail, but I refused to open them until my actual birthday. If you open all of your birthday things before your birthday, what are you supposed to do on your birthday? I had some nice cards from Phillip’s parents and some friends and family. My family sent me something I’d been wanting for a long time – Fiestaware! I now have four place settings, each in a different fun color. Phillip gave me that iPad I’ve been wanting and I have to admit, I did spend a few hours that morning just playing with the new tech toy.
Last year I spent my birthday on our honeymoon in St. Lucia, which was pretty awesome. But actually, I enjoyed this year’s birthday much more. The best part about birthdays to me is being able to talk to my family and friends, which I couldn’t do in St. Lucia since we were committed to being unplugged for the week. But this year I got to talk to all of “my people” (or at least listen to their voicemails), including having my mom sing all of the birthday songs to me. I also didn’t have a Facebook birthday last year. One of my favorite things about Facebook is birthdays – I love getting Facebook birthday wishes. It’s a gift that keeps on coming all day long.
The work day finally passed us by and Phillip and I went downtown for drinks and small plates at The Rooftop Bar at the Vendue Inn. The weather was perfect and the view was great. We even walked down to the pier afterwards.
My 29th birthday wasn’t so bad after all – maybe I’ll have a few more of them. : ) That’s totally normal, right?
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